Can Hair Oil treat baldness and help in growing hair?

Do you like your hair to be oily?

We all despise greasy hair. We all dreaded oiling our hair, wearing two plats, and going to school, right?

And on the days when our mother and grandma applied oil to our hair, we avoided going outside to avoid getting labels like ‘chumpu’ or ‘oil factory.’

Oily hair is a no-no in today’s world of photo shoots and selfies.

With oily hair, how can one take lovely images of oneself?

You won’t be able to take great images of yourself with oily hair right now, but you will be able to take beautiful pictures of yourself for the rest of your life.


Because of the advantages of hair oil. Hair oil does result in thicker, healthier hair. They aid in the treatment of baldness and promote hair growth.

Hair that is greasy today can be gorgeous tomorrow!

Yes, no one likes oily hair, but as they say, there is no gain without pain! So, if you want beautiful and healthy hair, you’ll have to put up with oily hair for a while. Having oily hair for a while can result in beautiful and healthy hair for the rest of your life. Oily hair is only transitory, but lovely hair is forever! So, one may put up with temporary suffering in exchange for long-term satisfaction, right? After all, oily hair is preferable to having none at all! Baldness is permanent, whereas oily hair is only temporary. So, which is the best choice? Oily hair, of course! You can avoid permanent baldness with a temporary greasy hairstyle!

Are you still experiencing hair loss and sluggish hair growth even after oiling your hair?

Then pay a visit to the best hair transplant clinic in Kerala. Hair loss and baldness can be treated with a range of treatments at the clinic, including PRP therapy and hair transplantation. The best hair transplant clinic in Kerala provides cost-effective and best hair transplants in Kerala.

Hair oil has a number of advantages. The advantages of hair oil are discussed in greater depth below.


What are the many advantages of hair oil?


Hair oil is recommended by the top hair transplant surgeon in Kerala because of the following advantages:

  • Makes hair stronger: Hair oil helps to strengthen the hair by increasing its tensile strength, reducing frizziness, and preventing hair breakage. It improves the health and strength of the hair. “Survival of the fittest” is a phrase we’ve all heard. The same may be said for hair. Our hair must be strong and healthy to survive and not fall out or break! This is where hair oil comes into play. It helps to strengthen and increase the health of one’s hair.


  • Heat protection: Hair oil coats the hair and forms a protective layer around the hair shaft. When one’s hair is subjected to heat, this is beneficial since heat causes the hair to become highly fragile.


  • Hair growth: Hair oil stimulates hair growth by causing blood to circulate to the scalp and nourishing it with important nutrients. As a result, hair oil encourages healthy hair growth. Applying oil to our hair and massaging it with oil can also help us relax. One of the most common causes of hair loss is stress. Hair oil helps to decrease hair loss by lowering stress.


  • Hair hydration: Hair that has lost moisture can appear dry and drab. Castor and olive oils, which are high in Vitamin E, moisturize and prevent moisture loss in the hair.


When is it a terrible idea to grease your hair?

Hair oil has a lot of advantages. It aids in the treatment of baldness and promotes faster and healthier hair growth. However, hair oil isn’t always beneficial. Directly applying oil to the scalp lowers the pH level of the scalp, resulting in hair loss. Hair fall is more likely in people who have overly greasy or dry hair. Excess hair oil on the scalp also throws off the scalp’s natural oil/water balance.



Hair oil is an excellent way to treat baldness and promote hair growth. Hair oil has a number of advantages. It nourishes and provides important nutrients to the hair, making it thicker and healthier.

So, you’re experiencing hair loss and want to grow your hair out?

Then hair oil should be your best friend. They will temporarily make your hair look terrible, but they will make them look gorgeous in the long run.

Are you still experiencing hair loss and balding despite oiling your hair?

Then, to treat baldness, go to the best hair transplant surgeon in Kerala. Hair transplant treatment in Kerala is one of many options for treating baldness. Don’t be concerned about the hair transplant cost in Kerala. The top hair transplant clinic in Kerala offers cost-effective hair transplant procedures.

So, what are you waiting for?

It’s time to use hair oil and other treatments to restore your hair’s health and confidence.

Remember that hair oil may make you hesitant to leave the house for a day, but baldness makes you hesitant to leave the house every day!

Hair oil makes you temporarily hide from the world, but it also gives you the confidence to face it for the rest of your life by providing you healthy and beautiful hair!

Bald to Bold